We here at Meals On Wheels (Sudbury) believe in communicating with our clients, volunteers, supporters, and the community about our Agency. This includes but is not limited to events, interesting stories, information on our programs ans services, and how one can help.
You will find a listing below of publications we have shared. Please click the links to open the PDF files and feel free to download and share with others.
Currently adopted by-Laws 2023
Annual Reports
Meals on Wheels (Sudbury) Annual Report 2023-2024
Popote Roulante (Sudbury) Rapport Annual 2023-2024
Multi-Sector Accountability Agreement
2019-22 M-SAA Meals On Wheels (Sudbury) Amendment
Financial Statement
Meals on Wheels (Sudbury) Financial Statements 2023-2024
Strategic Plan
Meals on Wheels (Sudbury) Strategic Plan